Activity for Reading and Writing


A summary compresses essential information from a longer publication. Employees are sometimes asked to write summaries that condense technical reports, periodical articles, or books so that their staffs or superiors may grasp the main ideas quickly. Students are often asked to write summaries of articles, chapters, or books to sharpen their writing skills and to confirm their knowledge of reading assignments. A summary includes primary ideas, conclusions, and recommendations. It usually omits examples, illustrations, and references. Organized for readability, a summary often includes headings and bulleted or enumerated lists. It may include the reactions of the reader.



Dr.  Rosario Battung
BC 2-5
September 13, 2008
Analysis of the Novel   A Walk to Remember


In connection with your requirement in EN 110 (English Communication Skills P-1), here is the analysis of the novel A Walk to Remember.

The Story

Jamie Sullivan was the daughter of towns Baptist minister. Jamie was serious and conservative, she was far from cool as she could possibly be, and didn’t care. Jamie was not afraid of letting people know that her faith was most important part of her life, even if it would cost her some friends.

Landon Carter was an aimless, reckless guy breezed through school on looks. He had no future, no plans, and no faith in himself.
One day, Landon and Jamie participated in the Drama Club’s spring play.
It happened to throw him close contact with Jamie. Landon found himself falling in love with this outwardly plain girl who had possessed passion for life. He never imagined it possible and it wasn’t easy. For her own reasons, Jamie did everything she could to run away from romance until it became impossible to deny.

Jamie had cancer and she had no idea of how long she would live. The patience, the care, and the love of Landon…until the death of Jamie never changed.
  • Characters.  Jamie Sullivan is the opposite from cool. She is serious, religious, conservative, and outwardly plain girl who possesses passion. She’s the daughter of a preacher, carries her Bible almost everywhere she goes, and volunteers to do stuff like tutoring kids every weekend. Landon Carter is an aimless, moody reckless guy who breezed through his school on looks and bravado. He had no plans, no future, and no faith in himself. He is also a bad boy who only needs the love of a good woman to realize his potential. Reverend Sullivan is Jamie’s father. He is hard but fair. A stern father, a town preacher who guards a tragic family secret. Cynthia Sullivan is Landon’s mother. She is a complex character herself, very conservative in some ways but still somewhat a hippie and a bohemian underneath. For all honest effort and love, she’s never really sure that she’s been raising Landon right, especially without a father figure. Dean is Landon’s friend. Belinda is Landon’s  former girlfriend.
  • Setting.  The story happened in the coastal little town of Beaufort, North Carolina where the wind smells of pine and salt, where Landon Carter remembers his senior year at Beaufort High School and Jamie Sullivan, the girl who changed his life.
  • Plot. Their principal caught a guy who used to make trouble. He asked help from Jamie who taught him about their play. Landon fell in love with Jamie. Jamie told him that she had leukemia. Jamie died and Landon totally changed.

Strengths and Weaknesses

The strength of the story lies on characters. The reader, young or old, can easily adapt in the story. They can easily relate in the story especially the teenage boys and girls.

The story had two weaknesses. First the author did not tell how Jamie died of her illness. Second, It did not tell us what happened to the friends and his mother as well as Jamie’s father.

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Speech Choir - Earthkeeper

by: Gary Granada

You were meant to be free, as wild as the sea
Just like an eagle soaring high
Nesting on the trees that touch the sky
You have the right to this place like all human race.

You are no less than a child of the Maker
You're an earthkeeper of the land of your birth.
You were created to be a creator.
You're the life bearer of Mother Earth.

You're holding the key between you and me.
Life is the choice we need to make.
Peace is the way we must take
Where there is waiting and pain

To heal and sustain.
You were so called to be a namegiver.
You're a defender of the nameless and the weak.
You were so pieced to become a peacemaker.
To make or unmake hangs on you.

And for the sake of the futures
Of our sons and daughters,
In the name of all creatures,
Give survival a chance.

You are no less than the child of the Maker.
You're an earthkeeper of the land of your birth.
You were created to be a creator.
You're the life bearer of Mother Earth.

You're the defender of the nameless and the weak.
You were so pieced to become a peacemaker.
To make or unmake,
To do or undo hangs on you.

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Speech Choir - If I Were a Voice

If I Were a Voice 
by Charles Mackay

If I were a voice, a persuasive voice,
That could travel the wide world through,
I would fly on the beams of the morning light,
And speak to men with a gentle might,
And tell them to be true.
I’d fly, I’d fly, o’er land and sea,
Wherever a human heart might be,
Telling a tale, or singing a song,
In praise of the right – in blame of the wrong.


If I were a voice, a consoling voice,
I’d fly on the wings of air,
The homes of Sorrow and Guilt I’d seek,
And calm and truthful words I’d speak
To save them from Despair.
I’d fly, I’d fly, o’er the crowded town,
And drop, like the happy sun-light, down
Into the hearts of suffering men,
And teach them to rejoice again.


If I were a voice, a convincing voice,
I’d travel with the wind,
And whenever I saw the nations torn
By warfare, jealousy, or scorn,
If I were a voice, a convincing voice,
I ‘d travel with the wind,
And whenever I saw the nations torn
By warfare, jealousy, or scorn,
Or hatred of their kind,
I’d fly, I’d fly, on the thunder-crash,
And into their blinded bosoms flash;
And, all their evil thoughts subdued,
I’d teach them Christian Brotherhood.


If I were a voice, a pervading voice,
I’d seek the kings of Earth;
I’d find them alone on their beds at night
And whisper words that should guide them right
Lessons of priceless worth;
I’d fly more swift than the swiftest bird,
And tell them things they never heard
Truths which the ages for aye repeat
Unknown to the statesmen at their feet.


If I were a voice, an immortal voice,
I’d speak in the people’s ear;
And whenever they shouted ‘Liberty,’
Without deserving to be free,
I’d make their error clear.
I’d fly, I’d fly, on the wings of day,
Rebuking wrong on my world-wide way,
And making all the Earth rejoice-
If I were a voice-an immortal voice.

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ENGL 1013 (OU)

A. Read the passage that follows; then answer the questions after.

1.    When a death occurs, the family has religious, social and legal responsibilities. If the deceased has left an explicit set of papers in an accessible file, arrangements will be much easier for the family to make. For example, such paper should include the deed for a burial plot (if there is one), a statement as to whether cremation or burial is desired, a copy of the birth certificate, and the names and addresses of all family members and friends who should be notified. Furthermore, the papers should include information on bank accounts, safe deposit boxes and insurance policies, as well as the will. The person in charge of the funeral will need to know how much money is available in order to determine the expenses he or she may reasonably incur for the family.

2.    If feasible, the person who makes the funeral arrangements should not be one of the bereaved. A melancholy widow may not be able to make objective decisions regarding expenses, such as for a coffin. Whoever makes the funeral arrangements realizes that he or she is deputized to make legally binding contracts with a funeral director and others, which will probably be honored some months later when funds form the estate are released.

3.    One of the duties of the person in charge of the funeral is to prepare a death notice for the newspapers. Often the mortification arranges for the insertion of the notice. Included in the information should be the date of death, the names of the family members, and the time and place of the forthcoming internment.

 ENGL 1013 Exam (OU)

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Business Comm


The Resume. A resume does more than merely list your qualifications. It packages your assets into a convincing advertisement that sells you for a specific job. The goal of preparing a resume is to win an interview. Even if you are not in the job market at this moment, preparing a resume now has advantages. Having a current resume makes you look well organized and professional should an unexpected employment opportunity arise.

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Final Activity in Business Report Writing


Justification reports are unsolicited; that is, the idea originates with the writer. They include information, analysis, and recommendations. The writer may wish to purchase equipment, change a procedure, or revise existing policy. Typically, the desired change will be obvious to the reader. Therefore, persuasion should not be a primary goal. Start directly with the proposal or problem. Follow this with some or all of the following topics: Present System, Proposed System, Advantages, Cost and Savings, Methods or Procedures, Conclusion and Discussion (Guffey, 1998). 

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